cool.This outta be an interesting year for tpt
my oldest still published save: id:2405576
id:2555665 i just republished the flamethrower save as a private save, for you guys to check it out
then i make an account in 2019 and publish some nooby saves, like a "working flamethrower" that was just a freehand drawn shape of METL with some EWALL filled with gas, i still have that save on my hard drive lol. the oldest save on my account that is still published is called "Hidden/Experimental Elements in TPT" or something like that, it's from April 2019, after less than a month i take a break from TPT and then return in December 2019/January of this year
i discovered TPT back in 2014/2015 while watching youtube, didnt know i could download it on PC or on mobile, and 4 years later i discover TPT on mobile, then one more month or two passes and there's me discovering the PC version of TPT
and the noob part was literally me as a noob in 2018 without an account, i thought spark loops were incredible lol
i literally heard that voice clip in my head when i read pro's sentence lol
the "Boi" part reminds me of that voice clip of Mario saying "BOI", SMG4 uses it sometimes