5th Jun 2020
17th Feb 2022
A kit of programming blocks, simmilar to Scratch or Microsoft MakeCode.
I'm not really ready to make memory tho...
Everything is allowed. Making your own blocks, new functions, memory. Just give credit. :D
scratch but better
@lesio, can i make my own programming blocks? you can use them for free, but credit me. (they will be memory related) also, +1
You should look at FILT colour and FILT ROM stuff, it is really cool.
if ther was a way to store data, it could meke it turing complete and it would mean that its almost a totaly fonctional computer
I need more ideas for blocks! I'll add pressure and gravity related ones.
This is also similar to vizzy which is the code you can use on simple rockets2, great game!
7 Seg display thingy would be cool with this. or a RAM +1