not sure this works cuz i dont want to wait forever
@forthe: your calculations are correct
I did it just in 5 minutes
Here is my timer: id:2547463. In has 376 bits with 1 second clock. If I am correct, it will end in 10^106 years.
So does that mean this is technically an impossible save?
Well, your timer is modularized, so it would be quite easy to construct a timer with 377 bits if you compress the size of the modules by a little bit.
uhh actually i dont know xD
Am I right in thinking that functionally, this is just a binary counter with a really high upper limit?
oh wow thats a lot of bits lol
The timer would oulive TPT, but you would need 377 bits with this timer to outlive the universe.
36 bits, with 71 frames each time = (2^32)*(71/60) seconds = 2576.8134 years. The heat death of the universe is expected to take about 10^106 years.