The Reichstag Palace is a building in Berlin, Germany, built to house the Reichstag (Reich Assembly) from 1894 until its fire on the night of February 27-28, 1933. It houses the Bundestag of the Federal Republic from Germany since the institutions retu
yes I want adding more detail
@Sephirtoh, Are you adding more an more detail every time? I don't remember seeing this much detail before the last time I checked.
some interior with layering or even a structural frame of the building can make it more physically realistic
shame this is mostly solid brck with a glass top
nice german building 9
Das ist gut!
...right? it?
hahaha i had a dream that this burned down... and a totalitarianist dictator vowing for an end to bolshevik communism and the jewish race came to power but thats just ridiculous...
Yeah... Sure would be a shame if someone were to burn it down... I hope no unforeseen circumstances come out of this.
rush b cheeki breeki iv damke