17th May 2020
19th May 2020
Free to use, if you wants.
long range INST :D
THIS HAS GIVEN ME A WHOLE NEW UNDERSTANDING OF SUBFRAME, THANKS! This sort of computing and wirng stuff is so cool on tpt. +1
lol ty @NoVIcE
lol seconds sentence is super borked. i mean sprk will affect the next conductor no matter how far. tmp2 is just where to start the check so you can skip some conductors
you dont really need to count pixels, you can make the tmp2 zero and it will still work. spark will skip any non-conductors until in a straight line until it gets into one
@Fedor1094_TRUE (Not sponsored) mark2222's subframe IDE (and possibly others) allows you to config CRAY/DRAYs without counting pixels
i love how your name is (br)X(ray)3 lol, btw nice subframe stuff +1
Both use subframe weirdness.
use instant material