*long and awfully sounding "hmmmmmmm"s what means "i can help u"*
i think im gonna get rid of all the memory reader and writer stuff, its too friggin simple, and i want a d v a n c e d s t u f f
make a new account lol (plz , make it)
and who needs binary counters when you can connect a decimal counter (looping shift register) to a DEC>BIN convertor lol
Prison Life, Vehicle Simulator*
lol i spelt almost all of the game names wrong
no, i was JustAPlayer and i had many friends i miss there ;_; i also miss all the games, Jailbreak, Prson LIfe, all sorts of tycoons and other games like Vehicle Simultaor that i would play on there, i had the most progress on Vehicle Simulator, the nostalgia is coming back
laughing from that's how you lost account in rblx , are u liamjeeeeh ?
the "faster" one is actually easier to expand to 16 or 32 bits than the normal one