15th May 2020
21st Mar 2022
Will be my first TPT computer when it is completed!! A little fun fact: adding 2 8-bit numbers will likely take over 100 frames without overclocking. At max speed, 8-bit addition should be faster. (green=done,white=todo,yellow=in-prog,orange=broken)
Oh, ok, i need to make stupid bcd convertor....
About 30% done now that I've gotten my 16-bit shift registers fully complete
Bin to dec: id:2837146
i would love a display lol
easy to overclock! nice!
@muzau It's not complete yet. I'm trying to get a binary to decimal converter made.
um your "ram" doesn't do anything.. it's literally just a giant flit path that stores inputs 1-8, and even then they're non-differentiable (i.e. you cannot tell "x pressed at time y" from the output).. The information isn't stored anywhere and cannot be recalled, so there's no AM ("Access memory") to your RAM ("Random Access memory")
cool keep it up
Ignore that first comment, dunno why it is here