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29th Apr 2020
8th May 2020
I personally would really like to see a movie about this. Credit to: Anastasia_616 for the alien and Zombiejerry for the flood form vote in the comments


  • Samdu2017
    8th May 2020
    it should be a movie !
  • Supercolby
    7th May 2020
    but theres no guarantee that the facehuggers would have a face to wrap around when it comes to the flood
  • Supercolby
    7th May 2020
    the flood should be able to adapt or evolve to that, it really shouldnt be a problem
  • NPC2
    7th May 2020
    Chestbursters won't (to my knowledge) affect flood. Acid blood will be interesting, though.
  • Supercolby
    7th May 2020
    the flood would win because they have one big advantage that the xenomorphs dont, once they gain enough biomass to reach gravemind state, the flood are literally sentient, while the xenomorphs are not
  • Supercolby
    7th May 2020
    well also assume that the face huggers and flood infection forms are evenly matched
  • Supercolby
    7th May 2020
    we can assume that xenomorphs are fairly good at killing assimilated flood forms and even some of their pure forms, but at the same time, well assume that the xenomorphs have enough biomass to be taken control of by the floods
  • Supercolby
    7th May 2020
    simple, a ship is carrying a xenomorph queen egg, they come across a distress call which has a ship full of flood on it, not a proto-gravemind stage yet, but still with spawner forms
  • NPC2
    7th May 2020
    Graveminds and keyminds are trouble, but alone, neither have the means to cross interplanetary space, at least for a good while.
  • NPC2
    7th May 2020
    1. Are xenomorphs susceptible to flood infection? 2. How developed is the flood at this stage? 3. How well established are xenomorph colonies at this point? 4. How effective are xenos at killing flood forms? 5. How effective are flood forms at killing xenos? 6. Are any other races out there, if so, how many can either assimilate in a given time?