26th Apr 2020
8th May 2020
it's only a simple bunker :) upt:2020/4.27:a little changes 2020/4.28 change PSTE into C-5 2020/4/30 add my logo 2020.5.8 change BGLA into INSl
Nvm, it melted through the last crmc
Kind of destroyed without using sing or ctype and tmp commands, it didn't really penetrate the last two layers but everything that would be inside would be dead. id:2541041
I got the pressure to deadly levels inside the bunker but I couldn't break the last 2 layers. Overall quite strong +1
LIGH based weapons can penetrate its layers fairly easily.
Nice .
my most advanced bomb totally destroyed it, but its realy good! it surrvived my other bombs so +1 and fav!
thanks,i'll continue to improve it
this is the first bunker to survive a circle of dest