an epidemic simulator (one frame is a week) city quarantines: type 1: Goo, 2: wood, 3: bmtl, 4: iron, 5: ttan, EMERGENCY6: Heac
somehow give some amount of gas a life (Date life) this will make them disapear once the life reaches from 1 to 0
ok but how can i do this?
maybe add deaths
when there was no quarantines the best was nble but if hot enough boyl can be faster and melt through walls when there are quarantines plsm is the best or very hot boyl which expands when temp is added but it loses temp very fast it makes plsm unstoppable. an fun fact for you all :).
should i add deaths?
the only minus of this there is no deaths
NBLE is the fastest 2nd is BOYL
pause and press f for a frame