11th Apr 2020
11th Apr 2020
With additional choke and suppressor! (Use Persistent Display ('3' key), decorations must be enabled)
you mind if i copy it i made a sawed off
overload bullet type is use 2x power of a normal bullet form 4x too 100x and make a gun explode by overload bullet explosion overload bullet are for tank
the gun cant use heavy ammo type cause my heavy type is too overloaded
half of the shotgun shot gets stuck in a suppresor smh. still +1 good shotgun.
@thecooldog12345678 your problem...
Not nice Dreamingwarlord
Instructions unclear, I shot my dad to death
-1 doesnt work unless its because i have mods on
I set the whole un on fire!LOL
Copy and past the bullet over and over agian in the barrol