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ligh go brrrrr
this is just a piece of wall. Anything capable of destroying dimond will just destroy anything inside so
This version is testing the strength of liquids
If anyone's confused, this bunker is updated regularly so my strat refers to an old version.
bruh you used wall and diamond get outa here
BluBubblz: Next version im using different liquids and gases other than Diamond ill see what happens
GOAT_OF_TPT: I was being sarcastic when I said add diamond, lol. Even without it, it's still indestructible because it uses walls.
Update: Changed my strategy. Used snow with ctype sing and tmp 10000. 1000degreeC sawd in stasis wall falls with a delay. After maybe 20 attempts my contraption manages to get 1 pixel of noble gas inside the bunker.
This is beatable. Snow with ctype elec and neut falls through the powder wall followed by sawd. The sawd melts the snow making neut and elec which pass through the energy wall and the gap in the conductive wall. In this open space they mix to make hygn which can pass through the gas wall. If you are REALLY lucky, those scant few particles of hygn will wander to the right of the bunker and go diagonally down to the left through the diagonal gap in the WALL and make it to the centre of the bunker.
that's my boy