11th Sep 2019
11th Sep 2019
Please read that I have written, leave a comment and have a good day!
its still here lmao
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M stands for michael I just added iks, but someone already uses it. So i added a 1 and that is my name.
My name is just my first ever nickname in MC lol
my name has no definition, I chose it because it was available.
Mine is (not GENERAL2920) is Noveak Prime, it has no real definition. Well, it maybe has one, Noveak is my nickname and Prime is something which I forgot.
my name started from when i played roblox (was in 2013 i made an account) and i just did something don't remember what, but it ended being ''uoki45.''
my name is I,U am me. signifying that you and me are me/one.
Well my name means Appleplayer. Omena is finnish.