This is my first upload. Just play around with batteries, if you cover all the rings with batteries the batteries will turn into plasma and create a cool effect with tons of lightning! (got rid of the molten metal)
Y 236* also some molten metal
btw there is a cap at X 377 Y 265
how in the heck... this is great
Wow this is crazy, my first post made it to the front page! Thank you so much.
why is this on fp?
Ok this is way to fun for no logic but for it being simple experament, and maybe make some ideas that have been done but try to do your on twist.
And thank you guys
Spark alot and view it in persistance mode and it looks like a spider web.
Spark it in heat view +1
Looks cool, functions even better and is just an all around simple but good save, +1 from me