Please read signs before entering. Note that any bomb using large amounts of BOMB or DEST will lose 5 points, and bombs using DRAY, CRAY, ARAY, or VIRS will not be accepted.
Supercrafter: o yay fellow polenball viewer
gamers4: P O L A N D B A L L : C A N I N T O S P A C E 'S M O O N F O L L O W S Y O U ! ! ! > : )
hahhaaaa im winner!!!
PeacefulTRex1324: are you not on, or is there no info about how much days you have left and is there no price?
404 errors
comment too short
(kkokijkjbjjzgzgzhhzftzbzztbfztggzfftbztf6vtvtt6vfttzfvtztt ftzzt5fvtt is Russian?)
*silent ragequit*