12th Aug 2019
5th Jan 2020
Information on the Galactic Federation of Associated Republics. Crucially, [15,19,3,9,1-4,15,5,19,14-12,9,11,5-20,8,5,13]
Maybe. Surely a Ai designed to gain knowledge would see a fallen civilisation as a great way of getting information.
Neutrality has been attained at least. Corvus could have connections to the old Nanotech inc?
Stop making up enemies. If you continue, the war will be inevitable
Did you just make that up? Interesting, but not believable.
Frads_man: Watboi1: [Via encrypted channel:] Very well. Operation Sarcophagus and its effects will be lifted, but if any data intrusion past 23 petabytes is made, or any government information, it will be resumed with immediate effect, and the GFAR will mobilise.
The Cephalons creators are dead presumably, if you place so much trust in them as their creators did how long could it be before you suffer the same fate!
I am sending you ultimatum. If you don't stop your hostile actions against Cephalon, I'm going to have to negotiate something else with you. The cephalon government itself is trying to improve relations, you ignore this! You're the aggressor!
/We prove that all your secrets will be only inside of GFAR.
[Via encrypted channel] We have many secrets that would be best kept in GFAR hands alone. Unless they can stay with us, conflict is highly probable.
/We would like to get better relations between Cephalon an you. Tell us what do you think about it.