12th Aug 2019
5th Jan 2020
Information on the Galactic Federation of Associated Republics. Crucially, [15,19,3,9,1-4,15,5,19,14-12,9,11,5-20,8,5,13]
Support for this page has been terminated. For now. Massive revamp coming, eventually.
Situation is in control. All known AnPhags have been exterminated, save for a single, sterile broodmother.
Civilians are now being drafted to cope with the spread.
Ectoclavian pandemic warning! Defcon 5 initiated!
- The VSGE has provided a flagship for all CMUP members, The Panacea. ID:2493851
- Confirmed. You have access to VSGE and UFR hyperlanes, including stargates orbiting key planets. The official CMUP donation fleet is being finalized, and the ships will be available for your use.
Accepted. A series of titanships will be established in orbital dockyards for trade, defence and cargo.
- The VSGE extends an offer of advanced alliance with GFAR. Under the pact, members of the CMUP (Cognate Matrix of Universal Powers) will fluently give and receive economic support, technological advancements, resources, military support, and anything else that is needed for advancement and maintenance of member factions. In the instance of any member being attacked, all other members will honor this pact above any other agreement, and will defend all other members with full military power.
- The creature has been completed. ID:2484098 The Entropteron has been made obedient by [redacted]. The VSGE sends one in containment to The GFAR as agreed.
Relations updated