i hereby label you SCP-99999 OBJECT CLASS: APOLLION DESCRIPTON SCP-99999 is a aplollion class cognitohazzard involving a pixel art of one misaka mikoto anyone who views the pixel art while translateing the japanesee wrighting will hear the song Only My Railgun playing in the background
oh my god, *this is a joke not being serious*, you didnt use the same font for "Deco on" as you did in the other save. Boooooooooo, -1 *not really actually +1*
animu is trash but it is moe too
I Shrekt it > 2475827 (I didn't even try to clone the Mincho font)
any blush is a window for lewd
Nice pixel art! The mincho font is awesome!
I put the picture under the TPT window, and I minimize the TPT to see the picture, and drew a line. Did it again and again, and I finished the frame of the art, and painted it. I use RGB to copy the colour. I hope you can understand what I say, my English is no good. Thank you guys!