7th Aug 2019
23rd Jul 2020
this engine produce some radioactive components, it can also destroy all materials in few seconds. :D
Thomas the death engine...oh god I gotta make this... BALING DING DING DING DING DING DANG DINNG DING DING DING DING DING DING!!! *Gunshot*
*thomas theme*
1+ nice bro
@Scarf_boy i'll take notes!
cool. also, id reccomend makeing some sort of dray/cray system to create an infinite source of deut, cause it can run out.
death engine? more like plutonium generator
@Scarf_Boy yup, i made a new version of this but i used aray not anti newton wall!
gpmp or high pressure breaks wifi, i reccomend adding some anti newtonian gravity wall, or moveing the wifi far enough away that it doesent break.
Hey guys the v2 is available! its named "DEATH ENGINE V2" !!!
@Munch_Crunch did u activate the newtonman gravity?