7th Aug 2019
23rd Jul 2020
this engine produce some radioactive components, it can also destroy all materials in few seconds. :D
Nekros: sub to Tseries JK.
@8o both!
@tuturtitur maitre yoda tu es, la force tu dtiens et tu utilise de bonnes fins.
pewdipie is ****
Une machine incroyable que c'est! ( oui j'ecris a l'envers la )
@boxcarz xD
The wires melt and it is unable to turn off as soon as you turn it on. If this were on a fully-operational battlestation, you'd expect to hear a lot of technicians yellig "It- it's not... It's not shutting down, it's not...!" before being vaporized.
this is my new favorite weapon, I think of the protons as music bass boosting to destroy things.
thx <3
I DID IT ID:2451491