this machine will create FOG from pure water! If you want to know how, follow the flowchart at the top or the PRTI /PRTO in the machine. Have fun! PS: The CLNE is only for cooling matters and the PCLN for water refill, not for cloning fog.
Nexos: exactly. i have a type of my logo where there is no wifi, because im too lazy to change the channels for each project i use wifi in ;)
Was there a WIFI collision?
Why is the arrow in your logo suspended?
Fill it with Oil and you have a Flamethrower
How is he supposed to make water
saw you made CLNE. but its cool. +1 r/youhadonejob
Though it uses CLNE only for cooling and water... YOU HAD ONE JOB
and i fixed the one pixel without deco
joe0820joe: looks nice, why don't you make your own version with your fog noozle? but please give credit :)
Okay, Maybe i take as no.