TFW theres instagram normies on tpt
@Mastercoder999 Whaaaaaaa... IK its a meme but its kinda dead.... Also +1 on the save
Plsma near it's left foot makes him melt. IT?!?!? HIM?!?!?!? HEr?!?!? HiT oR mIsS?!?!??!! TiKtOk?!?!?? MEME>!>!>>!>!>!>!>>! +1
Dungeon and Dragons reference?!+1
@akang FyrHeadOG was extremely ironic if you didnt understand that.
@FyrheadOG people have a different taste of art, just because you don't appreciate the taste doesn't mean it should get demoted, or in other words, ignore it if it bothers you!