worked hard on the screen for organism. it shows the status of it and problems in different organs. im not good at electronics so it might have small errors. hopefully it gives better insight into how the creature works.
There is a problem with the gel. It heats up over time and melts the ice walls, causing gel to get in the bloodstream thingy, and it starts produce alot of caus then dies.
Excellent work!
It's used to passively distribute heat so certain parts of the body dont get too hot.
whats the purpose of GLOW in the body?
*drenches nose with lava* GUI: This is fine.
so injecting it with loxy seams to boost blood oxy level (duh) and also cools him down. and also incresed the amount of co2 in waste
i copy
there is a lot of glow going out waste
Klazuthed: If you mean other systems by organs, the organs are too complicated to sense a complete failure in. It would take a lot of logic gates to sense complete failure and it would probably end up giving false results. Putting 1 life sensor in the part that breaks when it dies is the best way to sense death reliably.
Hey, I reduced this down to the base life sensor. Could the organism rely on other systems for a death sensor so this isn't possible? Thank you. id:2416219