Despite his ban, Its still here; the most useless, overrated, glorified TPT celebrity save I have seen.
it looks like a capacitor
@AftaMatic I agree with you, it isn't truly random, but it is as close to random as you get in TPT. The concept could still be very useful. +1
ive got to admit pipick, i do admire your profile pic
Nobody claimed it was "truly random," it's just a good approach
@Tetratrary: My point is, this is a computer program. Nothing, ever, in a program, can ever, be truly random. After all, it is PROGRAMMED. Hence, even though this is a very good concept of randomization, it is still not truly random. In short, sure, good for practical use but you wouldn't rely on it since it still COULD have a pattern/trend to it eventually.
@AftaMatic Well, computers have a hard time generating truly random numbers, but I think that Pipick's randomizer here is quite unpredictable enough for a practical use (I saw someone else's design for a randomizer and it was very biased, it used ELEC clone and PSCN)
Maybe we can break that part of the AI.
@Angeleyes18 Sort of, but you can't do anything about it. He has a "right for his opinion".