706 / 36
12th Mar 2019
20th Nov 2019
The console command stops the polonium from melting. You can use the sign element to select it, then copy and enter it into the console. The turbine require heat and pressure to work. Click water coolant to fill up water and click neutron beam to start
electricity fission pressurized nuclear reactor requiresconsole neutron realistic tnpp polonium


  • Ryanthegamer
    17th Feb 2021
    the refuel core thing looks like a penis
  • noobland3601
    1st Feb 2021
    V There's a post on the forum i am pretty sure that has a link to a pastebin with all the material IDs
  • CommunistKid
    26th Jan 2021
    What do i type in command to heat up a specific material?
  • noobland3601
    19th Jan 2021
    This is fun to modify, I used some console commands to make the reactor be able to heat up to 9999 temp but the control rods melted even though I had them set to melt at 9999 help please
  • magnetman33
    14th Dec 2020
    Make sure the portals still have GLOW running through them. After several save+load, it erases the GLOW stored in the portals until there's none left to circulate
  • token5gtd
    27th Nov 2020
    I've run into a problem where if I make changes to the design the Auto Core control stops working and core temp gets stuck on 115. Before I made lots of changes and not had this happen. Now it's happening just from changing feedwater pipes to PPIP. Don't think I'm destroying any sensors. Any idea why?
  • token5gtd
    25th Nov 2020
    I'm trying to shut the reactor down but the coolant spray button and neutron beam button are permenantly on, is there a way to urn them off?
  • token5gtd
    25th Nov 2020
    Having a blast playing with and improving this reactor! I've found that the feedwater pipes to the boilers break down with heat and pressure, replaced them with PPIP and TTAN walls also made them one block wider each for better flow.. Also replaced some of the gold in the boilers to withstand more heat. Added 2 more spray nozzles to each boiler.
  • AwesomeGodzilla12
    19th Nov 2020
    nearly the one year anniversary
  • Bazil03
    9th Oct 2020
    love this reactor