Allows you to display functions on a 64*64 screen the priority of the operation is from left to right: x + 12 * 2 = (x + 12) * 2 the red letters are useless. grid size x permet d'augmenter la "taille" de la fentre en y.
i create a 30 bits binary to decimal translator id:2390105
yeah, I limited it to 7 because letters begin at 1000001 (A)
This is actually a really good concept and the first of its kind +1
is too hard
your translation is in 7 bits, I need 29 bits (I made a similar translator in 8 bits id:2223092) i now it's possible with euclidean division, multiplication and subtraction but it's really slow and my division module is not 100% effective
I don't know how to do it efficiently. most efficient thing I have is my Binary Translator found in my saves
hello everyone, I am currently blocked because I can not design a module that pass from binary to decimal effectively. someone has a tip for me?
can you explain what each part is doing? also, amazing work +99
This is a lot of work but i never understood how this work ^^ +1