Allows you to display functions on a 64*64 screen the priority of the operation is from left to right: x + 12 * 2 = (x + 12) * 2 the red letters are useless. grid size x permet d'augmenter la "taille" de la fentre en y.
very cool
thanks bro I'm working towards a calculator
I've been dead/inactive for days, I need some new ideas. I am thinking of making a V1.
wait, no I did see the computer a looonng time ago, like right when it came out. it was cool. lmao i havent been gone for that long
@liardnoes, I didn't I gotta check it out. Good 2 c u 2, m8
some explanation id:2390728
for adding number you need 3 logic gate : "xor", "and", "redshift" => you pass your input into the "and" and "redshift" to get the withholding. you passe the 2 input into xor pour optenir le reste. => you take this 2 result and while the "and" output is > to 0, you reinject the 2 ouput into the 2 input, when it's equal to 0 you stop
ok so I want to make a calculator... and does XORing the two numbers then ANDing them make that the same as adding them?
nice to see you again R33, did you see the new "best" computer of the game? (id:2303519 made by LBPHacker)
wow, I was really hoping you'd do some more with your coordinate mapping stuff. really looks cool