Allows you to display functions on a 64*64 screen the priority of the operation is from left to right: x + 12 * 2 = (x + 12) * 2 the red letters are useless. grid size x permet d'augmenter la "taille" de la fentre en y.
@liardnos, Aye! I'm back (kinda). This looks gr8 but I can't upvote bcus im not using same network as I otherwise would to be able to upvote on this... expect some things by this weekend (hopefully). You (and a few others) have posted some good saves as of late and FP ain't lookin' half bad. I've also gotten better during my hiatus, but I don't think anybody cares :D
we are all noobs on this blessed day
i'm noob
1) 2 = 1 | this machine is made to make graph of the type y = ____. when we type x * 2 = the machine trasses the curve for y = x * 2. if you type 2 = 1 it will do y = 2 because it stops at equal 2) start computing when you type | the machine automatically translates decimal into binary as you type an operator (+ - * =).
also what happens when you enter a non solvable equation like 1=2?
why does it start calculating when I haven't finished my input yet.?
i wish i could understand tpt electronics :(
I did that with a completely different system. to do like yours it would have taken 2 ^ 30 lines (1 073 741 824) and we do not have this place xD.
to conserve space
so is that a subframier version of mine?