Nice 4 n00bz!!! @Dovydas !set life stkm (number)
More comands: tpt.el.metl.gravity/diffusion/heat=10/-10
Although fine, you could just search up the TPT wiki.
how to give health to an stickman?
extra commands: tpt.setfpscap( [value] ); tpt.el.[element].falldown=(0-2)
do you guys want from me to remove this?
The author of this save is really trying, they have good intentions, but this... just isn't good. You have to already know how to use the console to understand this, and by that point, you'd already know everything listed here anyway. Actually, that might not be true, because I didn't know about the !bubble command, even though i've been here for several years, but still.
Umm..... it's not Helpful to players new to the game......
The commands listed here are pretty well known. I suggest adding some property commands such as the tpt.el group as not many users know those. LUA commands are fine but are pretty useless unless someone is righting a script.