jacob1: Hey Jacob, when are you going to fix the mobile script manager. the problem is the "LUA" buton apear in front of the stamp button
Cool lua!!! who would be that happens me i have a lot of LUAS in the jacob1's Mod and then stamp and LUA disappeared for exacts files but that.
GoodNado48: are you using non-US keyboard layout? There may be issues, but I will update tptmp once 94.0 comes out to fix those issues (hopefully). NACEOD: sure, but you can't scroll, so you miss like 80% of the scripts lol. Most of them are junk anyway, I need to go through them and mark which ones are high quality ...
However on Android I am still able to download the mods on the Autorun.lua window so this is still helpful!
somebody plz paste to the comments the one he gave is not working
who new that one post would get you so many views and votes. once i update my powder toy from 92.2 to 93.3 i gotta do this! :)
how do i write / on the LUA command bar? it seems not to be working for me. (also tried copy and pasting it)
So many crazy things that happen when you type /connect. XD The madness kicks in, in seconds.