This is my first computer so don't expect any quantum mechanics. INSTRUCTIONS: Copy a program and align it with the pins on the computer, then spark START. If the "BUTTON" text lights up, the program is requesting you to spark a button on the keypad.
Well now that you've created this computer, I expect a full quantum computer next time.
@CALVIN1390 There are instructions in the description on how to use the pre-written programs. If you want to know how this computer is programmed, there is a tutorial (Click the blue sign), but it's pretty confusing. If you want to know how these computers work in general, look up "how minecraft computers work" on youtube, TPT computers work using the same ideas but just different technology. I hope I answered your question.
how do i use this and i know nothign about tpt computers
but the functionality is the same
Subframe vs this is like the 1950's vs now
on an unrelated note, this save looks exactly like the electronics i used to build before stuff like subframe went way over my head.
i think part of the reason nobody uses command blocks is because it would be a massive pain in the ass to essentially write code for an OS, but have it spread out over 1500 tiny files (individual blocks) that can only contain ONE line of code...
And as for your point with the MC command blocks, I guess most people do see it as cheating which is why they don't use it. I mean, it doesn't make sense to not use convenient blocks for creating a better computer, but whatever.
Yeah, when I say Minecraft is better for making computers, I mean space-wise. Unfortunately, you don't get things like subframe or tpt.setfpscap(2) in MC, but you do get a lot more space. TPT computers are easier and faster, but they don't have too much space. However, we are getting better: see the R216K8B.
I feel like command blocks can also be used to make Minecraft computers much faster, more powerful and smaller, but I haven't seen many people use them, probably because some see using command blocks as cheating.