24th Dec 2018
5th Jun 2019
- Contains CONV and VOID, Update - Made it signifcantly harder to break + added my logo which wasn't there before... If you want it to be slightly easier, just delete my logo
if you use enough anti and warp you can get through but it takes a while
But that's not truly unbreakable.
Virinas-code, if u want something truly unbreakable 2923295
Yeah this is pretty old now.
Nothing is ubreakable. NOTHING. Except WALL maybe. My CRAY bomb broke it, but i know it's cheating.
took me a while to figure out how to damage
canned opener just eat it lol
Thanks man!
my bomb goes through walls, this did nothing to stop it, didnt expect it to eather, but it didnt melt, good job.
i kno ur lying nidez, look at ur own saves.