6 / 0
2nd Dec 2018
6th Dec 2018
Original design for a project space ship I'm working on. Called the "Osprey", it is a cargo ship designed to handle extreme conditions to transport large amounts of goods. Aprx. 200m in length. W.I.P. 100% Destroyable.
osprey cargo space ship destroyable concept


  • Technomancer
    2nd Dec 2018
    Why do you keep scrapping them? If you're struggling to make them work like you want, I can help with that. If you just aren't sure what to put in them, search by Most Votes for the tag 'spaceship' to get some inspiration. Or even brainstorm on paper, "what would a ship like that probably have in it?"
  • Excabyte
    2nd Dec 2018
    I've scrapped many other space ship concepts, but I think I'll go through with this one.