116 / 8
30th Nov 2018
30th Nov 2018
SPOILER, not real entanglement. I explain how I achieved this effect. Entanglement in TPT will likely never exist, especially not without quantum computers, but very very fast particles can act as if they are in multiple places at once
science quantum sinewiggling explain whysinefunction whysine sinewave setvxphot302 physics sinedistortion


  • funky3000
    3rd Dec 2018
    XGEM when the photon goes at a speed of 302 pixels per frame, it looks and acts as if it's in 2 locations at the same time
  • XGEM_Gaming
    2nd Dec 2018
  • XGEM_Gaming
    2nd Dec 2018
    Uhhh this makes absolutly no sence at all to me
  • Jimjim
    2nd Dec 2018
    this is great also thanks for that command
  • NoVIcE
    2nd Dec 2018
    @ludapecurka123 actually, you seeing the TV correctly with naked eye is the illusion. With camera you see the real thing.
  • ludapecurka123
    1st Dec 2018
    This reminds me of time when I tried to film a TV screen. It looks all glitched, but it's actually something like what happends here, illusion.
  • funky3000
    1st Dec 2018
    Yeah, the photon is going so fast that it kinda acts like its in both places at once, but when unpaused it kind of has the effect that there's 2 photons that are entangled, what affects one affects the other.
  • Xenarchus89
    1st Dec 2018
    Although, the save alludes that particals can be in two places in once. Correct me if I'm wrong, but no partical can be in two places at once. Psi wave and field theory explain this. Maybe I'm just misinterpreting what funky said.
  • Xenarchus89
    1st Dec 2018
    @Matera I'm also a huge fan of funky's work, as I have a pretty good understanding of quantum physics and funky definitely knows his stuff too!
  • Matera_the_Mad
    1st Dec 2018
    I love this kind of stuff