--Any one who would like to can work on this project-- An RGB Doodle Board / Touch Screen. INSTRUCTIONS: -Use middle click on the palette on the bottom of the screen -Draw with a brush radius >= 4
both are good, but old is better :)
Yeah one color type cannot 'merge' into another. Your screen is RGB, additive. That is because you light Green and Blue for example, and it becomes Cyan. But CMYK is used in printers, because mixing inks produces some "subtractive" results. Cyan + Magenta becomes Dark-ish blue. And mixing all together becomes black, instead of white for RGB.
Old (cts)
Old, definitely
Let's take a vote; "Old" for the old one with bigger cells and better color mixing, and "New" for this one with smaller pixels but with set-TPT-to-small-screen-mode-and-stand-way-back color mixing.
Yeah it's hard to decide which is better, the old version had better mixing of RGB.
kazitor: yes there is addidtive color mixing and subtractive color mixing, or however it's called in english
Looks like there's some misconceptions aout colour here. Let me assure you, colour is far more complicated than you might think. For instance, RGB and CMYK colour spaces have vastly different gamuts. Also the fact that they represent colours in completely different ways, so neither "merges" into the other.
had to cross my eyes to get the colors to merge
they merge into eachother