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2nd Nov 2018
2nd Nov 2018
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  • NewTrain64
    3rd Nov 2018
    Okay Ill confess I've been too toxic, I'm gona take a break.
  • NewTrain64
    3rd Nov 2018
    If you're trying to pull a "you can't judge if you dont have saves/make better saves" then stop. You dont have to be Gordon Ramsay to tell someone if their cooking sucks.
  • NewTrain64
    3rd Nov 2018
    NUCLEAR_FOX: Hypocritical? What and how? Also if he's a kid, he should wait untill he becomes older.
  • XXXTentacionFan07
    3rd Nov 2018
    LiquidPlasma: thanks!
  • NF
    3rd Nov 2018
    He's a kid you.... *bites tongue.* Plus you can tell by his hand writing. NewTrain you complain about content, but what are you doing lately being hypocritical.
  • NewTrain64
    2nd Nov 2018
    Plus this could be a troll to get everyone to feel bad about him.
  • NewTrain64
    2nd Nov 2018
    Stop coddling this little troll, if he wants to delete TPT, its a win-win.
  • LiquidPlasma
    2nd Nov 2018
    Don't give up man. Yeah your saves might suck but at least you're trying. A lot of people on here don't make saves. So you're better then the haters. :)
    2nd Nov 2018
    Mr_Cipher my first art save I was a fast learner to id2210830
  • Mr_Cipher
    2nd Nov 2018
    Glad I'm a fast learner! I never had to go through with any of this! (Started off as intermediate, looked through TPT source code to give me an idea of how things work! And developed from there on) Here's a tip, develop all your saves, skills, whatever... In a private save. And when you master everything, start anew with a new account! (I like that phrase I should keep that...)