they do it cos they feel like 'EVERYONE is better that me, hey whydontt i downvote every save in tpt!
often haters are noobs because that are like omg i could do waaaay better -1 ur so noiby and when u check their saves its like: superbomb! (accually just a pile of dest and bomb and nitr) and everyones like: wut no u cant
Also, i'm back thank you DrEggman, well yeah
DayTimers, please shut up.
im happy - there will be less newbiez
Please don't quit, it took me about a year before I actually even made my first save, and then it took me at least another before I finally figured out how to make only the most basic ARAY laser ever! TPT takes a lot to figure out, and even more to master, but eventually, you'll get there! As to the comments, sometimes there are just obnoxious peope who just can't handle other people trying to make something. Those people need to learn to let others be, or to try and give CONSTRUCTIVE criticism.
miner_sd: People are being like, "Why is this on the front page?" and "You can leave now" or something along the lines of that. It's frustrating and sad.
Oh, and thanks to KDUK2 and Adriano1804. They were the people who actually weren't mean to me. Thanks, KDUK2 for giving me advice, and I hope Adriano that you can make it through like successfully.