45 / 22
23rd Apr 2018
27th Apr 2018
Use PersistNt 'splay
notnice notniceitsgodly wormhole grav srtjty spin lsd2


  • volcanoes123
    17th Jul 2022
    uiopowder: i know that's how u should spell it
  • superawsomemana
    24th Apr 2020
    what is a "werm" hole
  • R33sesK1ng
    26th Apr 2018
    @ultrabeam123, If this is what it takes to impress people, then it wouldn't take much for anyone (literally anyone) to just put some CLNE, GRAV, and BHOL or WHOL and simulate an acid trip. I don't know why people praise something like this; it's not that hard to trip balls over something as dumb as this. "oooh it looks pretty", do it yourself.
  • ultrabeam123
    26th Apr 2018
    In all honesty this is just pretty and thats most likely why its on fp chillax R33sesK1ng.
  • R33sesK1ng
    26th Apr 2018
    The noobs only vote on these saves just because they see it on FP, and don't try to develope an actual independed opinion about them. They also think it's good because anything can impress a noob. But I think that a REAL good save is one that can impress a seasoned user.
  • R33sesK1ng
    26th Apr 2018
    I would RATHER the community constructively criticize bad saves (saves that shouldn't impress people very much) and praise good saves. If people tell newer users, or users who don't know what they're doing, to get better, that'd be great. But people would rather focus on the "subjective" and have such a stupid outlook on other people's saves. It almost seems as if they don't CARE if there are good saves here.
  • R33sesK1ng
    26th Apr 2018
    If you could read, you would see that I addressed how to community is backwards. I don't praise uiopowder because his SAVE is bad. But you must keep in mind that I am especially disappointed in the community for how they responded to this save. I really don't like when noobs upvote such a bad save. Doing so can inhibit other players from getting BETTER saves onto FP, all because they're too busy gawking at something compatable to modern art.
  • R33sesK1ng
    26th Apr 2018
    @optimus2006, I'm not going to say that I corrected him, nor will I talk about whether or not I attacked him at all -- I don't care. If I was talking to ImPoppy, that wouldn't exlude other people from responding to me. You've no real statement about what I had to say to ImPoppy; and such a satement was rhetorically intended for all, at any rate. I'm glad you responded to me again; you were my next "target."
  • optimus2006
    26th Apr 2018
    Also, take a look of my older comment,s shall ya? It's NOT HIS FAULT that this got onto fp. Why deos this guy get all the blame when it's the noobs that voted this up to fp?
  • optimus2006
    26th Apr 2018
    R33seK1ng, Or maybe no one is attacking you BECAUSE YOU ONLY ATTACKED ImPoppy. There's no reason for other people to attack you if t hey didn't attack yourself.