145 / 14
11th Feb 2018
11th Feb 2018
Using the speed of light, I calculated the scale of TPT. Now its actually accurate.
theydidthemath thezuccening space size planet universe sunisdeadlylazer math logic scale


  • 987tails
    13th Feb 2018
    meh... i have no idea on this kind of math.
  • BLUE-User
    13th Feb 2018
    I would give a +1 but iv seen another user do the calculation but I can't be shore so I'll just do nothing
  • coryman
    13th Feb 2018
    @thepowerguy I looked it up- Jupiter is half a light second in diameter, this one seems to be around 5. I think you're right, and this is 10x bigger than it should be
  • thepowderguy
    13th Feb 2018
    I think you made a slight mistake, 1665513 m = 1665.5 km, not 166.55 :P
  • Sam_Hayzen
    12th Feb 2018
    B-But... JackX, doesn't that depend on the air pressure, tempurature, and constituents of the air, which we have no idea of the measurements (save for the fact that Ambient Heat is a thing and it contains at least -some- oxygen and CO2 since things can burn and plants can grow)? :c
  • JackX
    12th Feb 2018
    I still think using the pressure system ( ID:2165414 ) is better, as particles in TPT can go faster than the photons default speed, which would break the laws of physics in reality, and the speed of photons is changable anyway making it unreliable. The speed of sound in TPT is constant and cannot be changed, so that should be more reliable, and it works out the scale as roughly 1m/px
  • explorer
    12th Feb 2018
    plutonium critical mass is 50kg in tpt 200 pix.
  • FrostBird347
    12th Feb 2018
    still looks good +1
  • FrostBird347
    12th Feb 2018
    I remember seeing a save with the same name before...
  • Angeleyes18
    12th Feb 2018
    not this argument again