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26th Jan 2018
13th May 2018
It actually shoots, (The Bomb Element) And it looks like the real thing. NOTE: Newtonian Gravity AND Decorations MUST BE ON for it to work!!!
gtav pscn shoots electric guns working decorations rifle advanced dest


  • Universal_Acct
    12th May 2018
    Fixed to be even faster, less buggy, and overall better.
  • Vampireax
    7th Feb 2018
    This would work better if, instead of PCLN with DLAY to spawn the BOMB, you used CRAY connected to INST that also connected to NSCN connected to the FRAY.
  • Universal_Acct
    26th Jan 2018
    The Decorations won't load on the preview for some reason. I sure hope it looks like the real thing to you all :D