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20th Jan 2018
22nd Jan 2018
Depends on LBPHacker's Soapworm script. If you don't have it installed, the CLNE will just spew something random. (I just tested it on a friend's Windows machine for lols, then got him into scripts) So get the script and set the ctype to SPWR.


  • Matera_the_Mad
    22nd Jan 2018
    Yeah. Oddly, though, I thought I did open it in a different TPT version on this machine...anyway, I'm changing the infos. XD
  • LBPHacker
    21st Jan 2018
    Unfortunately saves with custom elements don't seem to save said elements by name but ID, which means even on my machine the CLNE doesn't spawn SPWR but some other random custom element I have :P (namely LA+ from my Langton's Ant script).