18 / 3
5th Jan 2018
11th Oct 2018
this machine uses a 16-bit key (there is already one in the machine). the encryption machine is on the right, the decryption machine on the left. to encrypt a data I use an "adaptive" system that prevents basic decryption.


  • pyelias
    9th Mar 2019
    Frequency analysis still works, you just have to do it on blocks of 2 instead of 1
  • liardnos
    11th Oct 2018
    for that reason we need 2 diferent machine to encrypt end uncrypt
  • liardnos
    11th Oct 2018
    it's not -5 every time
  • liardnos
    11th Oct 2018
    it's a little more complicate, the sibstitution is depending from the last 4 bits
  • pyelias
    11th Jul 2018
    So it's a bigram substituion cipher. Still not too complicated.
  • liardnos
    18th Jun 2018
    it is more complicated, when we encrypt a message the machine goes to the line corresponding to the first line, in this line there are two info: the first corresponds to the encrypted version of this line, the dexia has an offset of the head of reading which makes it possible to modify the next result (like enigma but instead of shifting of 1 each time the offset goes of 0-15 according to the character asked) if you arrive has cracked my encryption warn me
  • pyelias
    10th Jun 2018
    What algorithm does this use? It looks like just a simple substitution cipher, which shouldn't be too hard to crack.
  • liardnos
    7th Jan 2018
    the crmc and filt is the key and the brick and filt is the message
  • NoVIcE
    6th Jan 2018
    The crmc & filt block is the "key" you need to decrypt it? Its cool!