93 / 17
17th Dec 2017
19th Dec 2017
min temperature: -14.50 C
cooler cold freezer slow realistic water rfrg rfrl refrigerator


  • zanedema
    23rd Dec 2017
    @mrboom The cooling pipes are under pressure because there is a nuclear reaction going on a ten or so pixels away. pipes do overpressure if they are under more than 10 pressure or so. Even if you dont expect it to overpressure it will. i usually put my loops in a vaccum to prevent this. I guess i can try it, but my personal opinion is that only having a waterloop, and using H-C is more efficent.
  • mrboom
    22nd Dec 2017
    @zanedema why would the cooling pipes be under pressure? the core is but that doesnt mean any thing else has to be and over pressuring the pipes is only a problem with materials that break under pressure and if the refrigerant is turning into gas you can pressurize the pipe to fix that. Also you cant really be saying what you said since you probably havent made any reactors using refrigerant
  • WaffleOtter
    22nd Dec 2017
    Shouldent this be called a freezer?
  • catmaster
    21st Dec 2017
    We will cool down Venus with this -ESA (jk)
  • knollkantar
    21st Dec 2017
    I would like to see those dissing this make their own refrigerators
  • Ben_Ger
    20th Dec 2017
    well, its not exactly a refrigerator. If it was an actual one, the heatsinks would get hot
  • zanedema
    20th Dec 2017
    @mrboom it is really hard to maintain the perfect pressure when there is a nuclear reactor right above. too little and it will turn into gas, too much and the pipes will overpressure. glow just does the job better.
  • jeffluo35
    20th Dec 2017
    mine goes to -150C! id:2169470
  • mrboom
    20th Dec 2017
    someone has to make a reactor this stuff, not the fridge but using the refrigerant and the heat conducter as the coolant for a reactor. im desperate to see one cause ive tried and failed so many times making my own
  • Rileytptgamer
    19th Dec 2017
    sooo slowwwwwwww