Btw this was my old account on tpt and its honestly garbage #facepalm#
and i feel sad for this guy
and hes begginer, for begginers they make nukes for their first saves
its not a cheat element just dont use dest in bombs
if dest is a cheat element why is it in TPT then?
CORBEN369: typicaldog keeps uploading this with different content, check the history history:2220604
OK! this is a reply to EVRYONE: fatality: its not dest, acase: this isnt a stolen map, R33sesKing: not many people do, maticitidal: your computer is broken, UnkownObcurity: good idea, MrGameandWatch, Thank you someone needs to be nice. and to you typicaldog: dont be discouraged
MY GOD, hes just a beinnger give him credit people Geez