Due to the large number of smaller ships being produced, a small space-station type vessel was also produced to assist the small vessels on journeys into deep space.
I've been informed of what that means from my brother.
You too?! I'm not the only one!
I'm not going to lie. I have a very strong urge to murder a clown with a spanner.
Great work +1
Wait long enough and the whole station starts to fall apart due to plasma escaping from containment.
@bpdarnold Heh, I'm not really that good of an SS13 player, started like 3 weeks ago or so, but I'm slowly starting to learn aight
space_powder gets it haha
It was a reference to SS13. My brother loves the game, so I figured that I'd name it that. There's also a "HONK" easter egg hidden somewhere, if you can find it.
I just noticed the H O N K in the corner, totally SS13 inspired
This is really damn nice, and I'm not sure if the name is actually a reference to SS13, or just made-up, but I'm still lovin' this +1