198 / 7
16th Nov 2017
17th Nov 2017
I've wanted to build a bomb to do this for a while. (specifically the flash followed by a shockwave then wind moving towards ground zero) but i've never been able to get it just right. here's a box you can paste into almost any save. enjoy!
aftermath realistic operation frickkk gostad tiss blast nuclear nuke mrkrabs


  • sentinal-5
    17th Nov 2017
    @dragonbeater89 originally i used wood, but it burns sooooo fast it just kinda went "poof" and was gone. I actually only made this save because of the "new" SAWD element. started it as soon as that update finished downloading and only just got around to releasing it. (that happens with 99% of things i make.. they just sit unpublished in my stamps folder forever)
  • kerponaut
    17th Nov 2017
    Bravo bravo this is the most acurate nuclear bomb simulation if seen so far
  • Dargino
    17th Nov 2017
    I find it a bit amusing that everyone seems to use coal in place of wood for their trees.. :p (+1 btw)
  • VIP84
    17th Nov 2017
    good job as always, +1
  • sentinal-5
    17th Nov 2017
    I managed to boost the ambient temperature a little. i won't go any higher though because the box with the electronics in it is getting annoyingly big.
  • sentinal-5
    17th Nov 2017
    oh btw this save takes place just over half a mile from ground zero.
  • sentinal-5
    17th Nov 2017
    @987tails not nearly half as impressive as all your recent saves..
  • sentinal-5
    17th Nov 2017
    @motaywo thanks :) i've been trying. the problem is all the heat needs to come from the PHOT and they're already max temp. if i add more PCLN it will get in the way of the PUMPs airflow.. the shockwave is kinda important.
  • sentinal-5
    17th Nov 2017
    Woah thanks everyone! i didn't expect this to be on FP when i woke up! @JohnPA don't expect the flash to turn the whole screen white. it's a single vertical line of max temp photons going REALLY fast. it's what sets fire to everything. @Phoenixxduran It comes around a second or so after the flash. you need to spark the button to set it off first. top left.
  • 987tails
    17th Nov 2017
    very impressive, old friend +1