After all that, we finally have electric energy going through the power cables. Please leave a comment if you have any questions or sugestions about the powerplant. :-)
The coolant here is glow. For the reactor walls, I used a material witch reflects neutrons, coated on the exterior, with a material that absorbs them, just like in real life (even though I used no neutrons here). The glow in the tubes sorrounding the core heats up water in another container, witch evaporates, the difference from reality here is that I used an element sensor instead of a turbine that moves a generator. The water is cooled in the towers, released into the atmosphere and returned.
A neutron moderator is a material ued in nuclear reactors to deaccelerate neutrons released by the reaction, to make their absorbtion by the nuclear fuel easyer, while the coolants pourpouse is obvious. I didn't put a neutron moderator in the core because it's not needed for the reaction, since neutrons don't really make a difference on in-game uranium. The coolant, in real life PW Reactors, is pressurized water, witch can heat up more than normal water while still remaining liquid.
Hello, welcome to the comments. what I was saying at the save description was that The Powder Toy isn't really realistic. 1st thing is that uranium doesn't decay at all and it also won't heat up with neutrons, It can only heat up while under pressure, witch doesn't happen in real life. They also submerge the nuclear fuel in a coolant (normally water, heavy water and molten salts), witch can also be the neutron moderator in the case of water and heavy water.