By trapping a small amount of compressed deutrium oxide in a gravity well and blasting neutrons at it, one can create a miniture runaway reaction. By periodically adding deutrium oxide particles to the well and allowing them to explode, a thrust is made.
I had to use Ceramic because it can withstand the heat of the fission and it doesn't block neutrons. I could implement an active cooling system with another particle type, but I'm not sure what I could use.
The stable version would work better if the ceramic witch blocks the pressure was replaced with something the doesent block as much pressure but you coul try inslator because it would also block the neutrons but let pressure through but not temp witch would also make it safer to put next to temprature sensative things like wood or cpus
@guesswho2778 Eh idk. Just posting for the fun.
nice +1 i dont know how you have so many downvotes
I think I fixed them.
Both of the prototypes break after a while, might want to fix that. +0 for now
That's true... Though I'm not sure how else to effectively trap the deutrium oxide. If too much collects, the engine is damaged. If too little collects, the deutrium oxide uncompresses to the point where the neutron beam doesn't work and the deutrium oxide is wasted.
The gravity well is kind of cheating...