What you gotta do is, Skip the HYGN part. Just flood the EXOT with ELEC until it evaporates into WARP. After that add any sort of fusable (NEUT, PLUT, ect) material to make OXYG fusion. Then you gotta ignite the oxygen for infinite fusion!
if you want a real tutorial, check out my profile
just measure the life on the particles
could i give you a video ?
Disliked, and everyone else should. Why does this have so many likes.
This didn't work. I tried exactly what he did, and waited 30 mins. All I got was a cool rainbow effect.
All you did was change the life of the last circle of "infinite fusion" to 9999 so the particles never difused or disapeared. Such a scam. -1
Great Save! Keep up the good work! :D