27th Aug 2017
11th Nov 2017
8 hours. This is only midtown. (Destroyable -_-)
Due to budget cuts, some buildings will be built with high explosives. Sorry about this! And remember, no smoking within 50 miles of NYC! ~New York Government
Thats great!
Who tags every save "loganpaul"?
............ok............... |:|
HEAC is a similar colour to tnt, and WAY less explosive, use that next time +1
Due to budget constraints, new towers will now be built of solid explosives. Have a peaceful day. -NYC
@PowderPhone6s That's good idea but I wanted to build it without using deco
You could have used deco only on the "high explosive" buildings and made them out of like brick or something
@Wiktor120 :D I didn't want to use too much PSCN because it's hard to destroy, so I used TNT. (@arthritis it's destroyable NY.. so don't call me terrorist sympathiser)
I like how some buildings ae literally made of TNT.